Sunday 25 August 2013

Carambar - c'est du sérieux!

Carambar are French sweets, or if you're from across the pond, candy.

Each carambar wrapper contains a terrible joke in French.

For example:
Pourquoi n'y a-t-il plus de mammouths ?

Car il n'y a plus de papouths !

I told you they were terrible.

Terrible, but a great way to introduce real French to your students and to get them to try to understand and explain them.

And they are available in the UK from a company called frenchclick so you really have no excuse not to try them.

You don't need to buy carambar as many of the jokes are on website, on these dedicated pages.

Imagine my horror, then, when I saw this video:


Fortunately, it turned out to be a very elaborate blague.

It was a Poisson d'avril and thousands of French people fell for it.

Some of their comments are in this clip:


HC said...

Yep my sister brought me back an EMPTY bag of Carambar wrappers from her holiday earlier this year just so that I could explain the jokes to her! It was only right that my 6th form class should have to experience them too. My personal favourite? Pourquoi Roger est-il le meilleur tennisman? Parce qu'il n'a pas fait d'erreur!

Love the blog!

Dom said...

Thanks for your comments, HC. I'm really flattered that you like the blog.

I like the joke, too. I hadn't come across that one before.

Bringing back a bag of sweet wrappers instead of sweets is the kind of thing my sisters would do... :)

Niles said...

Have eaten so many of these since recent school trip gave me first opportunity to buy them.

Did you know about tarte au carembar?

Or this reading comp on TES?

Dom said...

Thanks for the comment and the links, Niles! It's much appreciated :)