Saturday 2 June 2012

Olympics resources

If you hadn't noticed, it will soon be time for the Olympic Games. This year they will be in London and various other locations dotted around the UK and so we will all be expected to do something "Olympicky" with our classes.

So here is a selection of links, in no particular order, to resources to help you bluff your way until the end of the school year.

1) MFL Sunderland's Olympics page. Loads of stuff here in French and Spanish created and collated by Clare Seccombe. I can't recommend it highly enough.

2) Madame Abrahams MFL Olympics Projects. A great page with lots of ideas and resources for creating MFL projects from Eleanor Abrahams.

3) Lancashire Grid For Learning has links to Olympics resources in French, German, Spanish and Italian.  

4) The TES website has a huge collection of Olympics resources in different languages.

5) Talkabout Primary MFL has a lot of resources and links for younger students. Although I will be using some of these with KS3 students.

6) The Links into Languages site has resources, ideas and examples of Olympic projects.

7) The blog Jennie n'est plus en France has a link to a list of French Olympics vocabulary and phrases.

8) The site has some vocabulary lists in French from the Beijing Olympics.

9) A good German resource from ilanguages.

10) The German Olympic Committee's website has a lot of information.

11) Kindernetz has a number of good activities in German relating to the Olympics.

12) The official London 2012 site also has resources in English, French and Spanish.

That should keep you going until the end of the year.

If you find any more sites please let me know and I'll add them to the list.

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