It's that time of the year again. The shops are full of Christmas Trees, there are adverts for toys everywhere, there are Christmas lights in every town centre. The clues are all there.
Yes, it's almost Hallowe'en.
Even my dog has entered into the spirit of things with an amazing costume!
Here are some resources and links to MFL hallowe'en-y type things:
A few years ago Jo Rhys-Jones put together this page on the Talkabout PrimaryLanguages site. It contains some excellent links.
A TES vocabulary resource here
Lanternfish has some hallowe'en worksheets here
Some links here from canadacyberschool
A lesson from MFLSunderland "potion magique"
A TES German resource here (based on Clare Seccombe's potion magique)
From german.about.com a halloween graveyard project.
Germanculture.com's information in English about how Hallowe'en is celebrated on Germany.
Some information on Martinstag from german-way.com.
Hallowe'en is not a big deal in Spain, but there are still resources available.
This one from TES La noche de brujas
Some lanternfish Spanish worksheets
In Mexico dia de los muertos is celebrated at this time. Here are some links to resources:
TES resource
Some really good stuff from casadejoanna.com
Excellent lesson plans and resources from Mommy Maestra
Lots of links and information from mexconnect.com
There are also some good ICT Hallowe'en resources on Linguascope if your school has a subscription to it.