Friday 8 May 2009

CPD for everyone for free

Each of us needs to keep up with developments and good practice, even if we are not looking to further our careers.

So what do you do if your school is reluctant, or can’t afford, to allow you out to complete CPD courses?

The answer is: Take responsibility for your own professional development.

There are many MFL CPD opportunities online which few teachers are aware of, most of which are free. These can be done in departments or by individual teachers.

The National Strategies site is an excellent place to start.
There is a wealth of invaluable information specifically related to the teaching of MFL.
There are video resources, case studies and practical online exercises to undertake.
The learning units include:
Using the MFL Framework
Planning Lessons
Using the Target Language
Developing how you question students
Effective starters
and plenaries
Using Assessment for Learning

Each unit contains “nuggets” which are intended to help MFL teachers improve. Most of us will have some extra time this term to do this now that year 11 and 13 students are about to leave us. So, use your time profitably this summer. This website will soon be closing, but I have it on good authority that the resources will be moved to the new site:

Here is an example of one of the nugget clips:

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