Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Live Tweeting Boule de Suif

I'm currently studying Maupassant's Contes de Guerre with my Y12 Advanced Level class.

Tomorrow, we are going to imagine that the characters in Boule de Suif have a smart phone and are "live tweeting" their experiences. 

The students can write a maximum of 14 tweets (it's all I could fit on the paper) and are limited to 140 characters per tweet.

Yes, I know twitter now allows 280 characters but only Donald Trump writes tweets this long.

They have to convey the character's experiences and feelings whilst including the key moments from the story.

I made this worksheet for them to fill in as, sadly, all social media sites are blocked at school. 

Also, I'm not sure it's a good thing for a 17 year old student to be masquerading as a  French prostitute on social media outlets.

Even one from the 19th century.

Because of the 140 characters limit I have imposed, the students will have access to talkinfrench.com's French text slang page... 

...because that's what people in 19th century Rouen did. I imagine!

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