Friday, 19 June 2009

TMNE09 (Teach Meet North East)

Do you remember me blogging about Teach Meet a few weeks ago?

Well, last night I attended the first TMNE09. It was organised by Chris Harte et al, and took place at the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle.

It was extremely well attended and there were excellent presentations by some amazing teachers. I've listed those who gave presentations and those who led conversations below, and I would like to thank not just them, but all those who attended, and worked behind the scenes, for making it such a successful and funducational evening.

There were presentations on many varied and excellent topics by:

Chris Harte, Darren Mead, Ian Hardy, Fergus Hegarty, Helena Butterfield, Régine Schneider, Steve Bunce, Holli & Mike (from Tyneside Cinema Education), Mark Clarkson (who has already blogged his thoughts here), and some bloke called Dominic McGladdery.

The Learning Conversations were led by: Mark Simpson, Doug Belshaw, Sue Balmer, and Chris Harte.

If you were unable to attend, and wished you had, you can see most of the presentations here thanks to the magic of Flashmeeting.

As a teacher of MFL and a wannabe ICT expert, I learned so many things including: using Anderson's taxonomy, how to use glogster, how to start successful e-twinning links, and, thanks to Steve Bunce how I might go about trying to play "pong" with my eyebrows!

I also learned new ways of using some web2.0 applications which I knew a little about already.
(You can see my attempts at goanimate, wordle, and crazytalk scattered around this blog.)

It was a great venue, I met some cyber-friends in the flesh and my brain was chock full of good ideas when I left.

If you ever get the chance to attend a Teachmeet, do so. You won't regret it!

1 comment:

mwclarkson said...

That bloke Dominic McGladdery came up with some interesting thoughts as well. With some of the ICT courses we offer, there are a number of students who could potentially start (even complete) these courses early. Things to mull over...