Sunday 3 May 2015

Royal baby: links and clips

So, it would seem that there is a new person 4th in line to the British throne.

I feel sorry for Andrew. He'd be a great king....

I digress.

Here are some links you might like about the royal baby, or as I prefer to call her Beyoncé.

I specifically chose interesting articles, some with videos clips in the TL.

Most are simple enough to show to your students.

They'll probably be surprised to see the rest of the world obsessed with our Royals, too.

I love the fact that lots of countries have translated the Royals names, too. I'd forgotten they did that.


le Monde

Huffington Post

From Boursorama  I love the headline: La presse britannique gaga du bébé royal

Le Parisien

France TV info  Includes a lovely clip of "Typical British people" celebrating in the street and people saying what the poor kid should be called.

Europe1 seems more interested in the betting odds for the name.

and finally, Le Parisien has a diaporama of the baby they've named "Royal Baby 2"


Focus Online The baby is referred to as a "Fashion-Ikone"

Franfurter Neue Presse 

Augsburger Allgemeine is obsessed with the name

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Swiss German)

Die Welt wants to know why they've already gone home


El Pais

NTN24 with video clip

Cadenaser   (uses the translated names: Catalina and Guillermo)

BBCMundo (has a family tree with all names translated)

euronews  (with video clip)


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