Wednesday 15 October 2014

What grade is it? A game for GCSE students.

Today, with my Year11 GCSE German class, I played "What grade is it?"

Sometimes, my lessons are a little bit like a terrible game show but with no prizes.

Me, as a gameshow host

I digress.

Most of the students I've taught over the years think that because a piece of writing contains no errors, then it must be good.

Sadly, this is rarely the case at GCSE.

Too many of my students take the safe option.

So, "What grade is it?" is a great 5 minute group task which helps students realise that a piece of work with no mistakes doesn't necessarily mean it's "good".

Here's the format:

I show the students a paragraph or so in the target language on the screen.

I give them 2 minutes to read it and ask them what grade they would give it based on the GCSE CA writing criteria.

Then they have to explain why.

Then, the next question is "What would you have to add to it to get your target grade?"

Again 2 minutes is enough for this.

Usually the students come up with some excellent answers.

I know that it is impossible to give a GCSE grade to one paragraph but it helps the students to think and to focus on what it is that they need to do to improve their own work.


  1. Yes, but I have no idea what gets a good grade these days, Dom!

  2. Hi Mr Gorse,
    Sadly, it seems that, to get the top grades, students need to have a good working knowledge of AS level grammar.
