Saturday 13 September 2014 - a germanist's paradise

One of my favourite German websites is

It's the site of Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle and is a cornucopia of anything a Teutophile could possibly need to know. It is, I suppose, the German equivalent of the BBC World Service or Voice of America.

On the site you can watch live TV, listen to German radio, and read the news from a German perspective.

The parts of the site which interest me the most are the language learning and culture pages.

The teaching and learning sections offer a variety of interactive German courses for learners of all levels and resources for teachers, too.

The culture section is an invaluable tool for any Germanist. I particularly like the podcasts and something I've blogged about before, German word of the week.

It is impossible to do this site justice in one blogpost but I really would recommend that any teacher of student of German takes some time to have a look at how good it is.

Did I mention that using the site is totally free?

There is also a weekly quiz where one lucky participant can win an ipod.

What more could you want?

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