Wednesday 2 April 2014

SOS Femmes - an authentic French resource for A Level students.

Today while searching for something else I discovered a site called Lost in France.

It's primarily designed for British ex-pats living in France and I came across it because I was looking for information about current films in the French cinema for my yr9 class.

There is a page dedicated to cinema listings which has links to film posters and trailers all in French.

The site also contains legal, financial and lifestyle advice and is a comprehensive guide for anyone considering a permanent move to France.

It was from here that I found this site:

SOS Femmes is a website dedicated to advice for women.

There are sections on:
Domestic abuse
Sexual abuse
Alcohol abuse
Forced marriage
Women's rights
and more.

There is even a forum with over 700 questions and advice from readers of the site about many issues.

For a teacher of advanced level French this is the ideal place to find authentic materials.

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