Friday 28 March 2014 - le mag 100% actu people

About 4 years ago I discovered a website called and blogged about it here.

It was the ideal resource for anyone teaching AS or A2 French (or any advanced level course anywhere) as it contained up to the minute "news" on celebrities, music, cinema, horoscopes, and many other subjects which make me, and most men I presume, shudder.

The reason for the post is that it has now been replaced by

Public is a trashy (in my opinion, you might like it!!) French magazine in the style of Closer, Heat, and so on...

It is, primarily, aimed at women from 15-35 (and teachers of French!) and calls itself "le mag 100% actu people".

It contains a mine of information which you might find useful to keep up to date with many of the topics studied at AS and A2 level in the UK and Higher level in Scotland.

It is the ideal place to go for new vocabulary and also "news" about celebrities, music, films, reality TV, relationship advice, who is doing what to, and with, whom and pretty much anything else that I consider trivial but which your students might be interested in.

If you can't be bothered to read or search through the whole site you can follow Public on twitter, like it on facebook or download the app.

Sad, isn't it?

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