Wednesday 19 February 2014

Talking Tools - My #ililc4 workshop

If you've read any of this rubbish before, you could be forgiven for thinking that I'm not a great fan of the ipad.

This is not true, of course.

My issue with ipads is the ways in which they are used.

Dom's first rule of technology states:

If it can only be done with tech, then you may do it with tech.

My workshop at #ililc4 included a selection of fun tools and applications which will help students improve their speaking skills whilst having fun.

This is the presentation I used:

Talking tools from Dominic McGladdery

The penultimate slide is the one where I've listed all the tools I demonstrated.

Here is a selection of the work created by the delegates who were kind enough, and patient enough, to attend my workshop and I'm incredibly grateful to them for turning up and entering into the spirit of things.

Serena Dawson's Morfo

Annalise Adam's Tellagami

Fatima Khaled's movie

Glennis Pye's Yakit

Sadie McLachlan and Amanda Salt's Yakit

and Rachel Britt's blabberize

I hope you can find something in amongst these tools which you could use and if you have half as much fun as we did making them, you won't have wasted your time.


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