Monday 10 February 2014

Making a difference by differentiating differently #ililc4

I had the privilege of attending, and presenting, at this year's #ililc4 conference at Southampton University this weekend.

There were so many amazing linguists there doing things that you might not always associate with teachers; sharing, encouraging, smiling, advising and most importantly supporting each other.

I did 2 sessions.

This is my presentation on differentiation:

Differentiation from Dominic McGladdery

My hands on session on Talking Tools will take slightly more prep as I'm going to include some of the clips created by the attendees. I'll also at some point blog about all the amazing things I saw. Watch this space.


  1. Looking forward to the next post - shame I couldn't make it this year!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Bertram. It's a shame you couldn't be there. Hope to see you soon :)
