Wednesday, 30 September 2015

ALLNE Languages Teachmeet #1

Exciting news for North East MFL-ers!

The ALLNE is hosting its first Teachmeet.

It takes place on 20th October 2015 at Newcastle University's King George VIth Building in room 1.36.

The Teachmeet runs from 4:30-6:30pm with the idea that attendees will have the opportunity to network and chat afterwards and perhaps wander into Newcastle for food and drinks.

This is a Teachmeet with a difference as it is specifically aimed at trainee teachers and NQTs.


It came about after a conversation Steven Fawkes and I had at Suzi Bewell's MFL PGCE Show and Tell at York University this summer.  

Steven thought that it would be a great idea to put on similar events in the North East.  There are lots of really great Teachmeets around the region, but none specifically for MFL trainees and NQTs.

So after a few emails and tweets between us, the amazing organisational skills of Newcastle Uni PGCE tutor, Cheryl Mackay, Eleanor Gordon for creating the link and Rene for letting us have the venue, everything seems to be ready. 

Any teachers or educationalists can sign up to attend but presenters must be either trainees or recently qualified teachers.

How do you sign up?

You can find out more and sign up to the event here.

If you wish to present for either 2 or 5 minutes or have any questions, you can contact Steven or even Me and we'll be glad to help.

Also if you're reading this and know someone who might like to come, please tell them. 
See you there! 

If you can't make it Newcastle, don't worry, we intend to host others in and around the North East during this academic year.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

More authentic links for A2 French

Here it is, following on from this post I wrote a few years ago, a brand new list of links to authentic texts for A2 French.

Don't forget that I made a page of links to the un jour une actu videos, too.

There's also the fun with languages site (from Sutton Academy) which has a lot of A level French online games.

Wealth and poverty

En Chine, on moticve les écoliers avec des visites de maisons de luxe

Quatre graphiques pour mieux comprendre la pauvreté en France

Le nombre de pauvre baisse, leur niveau de vie aussi

Les dix chiffres noirs de la pauvreté en France

Les SDF ne meurent pas seulement en hiver

Le chomage progresse dans régions...

Law and order

L'euthanasie aux Pays-Bas

Exécution prévue en Arabie Saoudite

Impact of scientific and technological progress

Un français de 6 ans, premier français à recevoir une prothèse de main imprimée en 3D

L'Europe autorise les OGM de Monsanto

Doit-on ressusciter les espèces disparues ?


Les villes avec le plus d'immigrés en France

Il faut beaucoup de courage pour quitter son pays...

Qui sont les migrants ?

Paris accueille ses premiers migrants

D'où viennent (vraiment) les immigrés entrant en France ?

C'est quoi, le droit d'asile ? 

Non, des refugiés n'ont pas refusé de la nourriture halal ?


La SNCF condamnée pour discrimination


Les femmes s'affichent dans la rue

Cartoon: les droits des femmes

Ces célébrités ont été victimes de violences conjugales

My blogpost about SOS femmes a site dedicated to women's issues

Fin de la < Page 3 > du Sun

Préjugés et Stéréotypes


Linfen, la ville la plus polluée du monde

La France dévoile sa stratégie bas carbone


C'est quoi, une énergie durable ? 

Les trois plus grands mensonges sur la planète 

En France, 100% d'électricité renouvelable n'est pas plus couteux que le nucléaire

Toutes les énergies renouvelables

Protecting the planet

Thalassa, la mer pour sauver la terre

Comment les éruptions volcaniques influencent le climat

Pourquoi avons-nous besoin des abilles ?

C'est quoi la couche d'ozone ?