So, we have 4 weeks left to revise and try to get them the best grades possible.
I recently rediscovered this site If you don't know ados, it's a French site for young people which contains all elements of youth culture including news, music, books, films, celebrities and a forum for discussions.
The discussion which caught my eye this morning was "le port de la Burqa". This is one of the subtopics we studied for A2 French (under the role of women in society) and a hot topic of debate in France at the moment.
I liked it for a few reasons:
- it's a genuine resource and not contrived, made up or cobbled together by a writer of textbooks.
- it's portrays the real (sometimes extreme) views of real French people.
- and most importantly, it contains some of the best French phrases for expressing views and opinions, which our students are expected to know for the exam.